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Telling the Hero story in a world of Caregiver brands

Most of healthcare is predictable. How much do we care? Oh, we care SO much. Same, same. 


We did research with a clinical psychologist and discovered that when people feel healthy they live  a hero's story. 


Much of the work managed to not only get recognition from the Clios but it also turned around a steep decline in unique patient visits.  The idea, an observation of the human condition and how good health affected people was differentiated in a boring and predictable category.


It was all based on an organizing idea: Don't just live. Shine. Which is what good health give you. The work helped create a legacy idea. 


In this first three spots,  we found data that supported how making small changes in your life can add up to doing something bigger. For instance, just stopping smoking for a short amount of time. Or doing just a small amount of exercise can change your health and outlook. All Clio winners.

When you have great health you can enjoy all life's moments. We chose to celebrate the small things that are often moments when good health has a shining moment. We executed this idea in almost every way possible. If you'd like to see more, just ask. We just ran out of room here. 

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